Busy or Burn Out
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What is the difference between burn out and business???
Burn out looks like you doing absolutely everything you can, even the extra things! It is hard because everything looks good and you can easily try to accomplish everything.
Family life burn out looks like signing up for everything as a family. The tricky thing is that there are a lot of non sinful things that can CONSUME out time. Have you signed up for too much?
Things aren't just about homework, they are about all the things you are supposed to be signed up in. Homework, sports, and the arts consume so much time. All of them can be great but life gets busy quick with all of those things.
What is the difference between burn out and business???
Burn out looks like you doing absolutely everything you can, even the extra things! It is hard because everything looks good and you can easily try to accomplish everything.
Family life burn out looks like signing up for everything as a family. The tricky thing is that there are a lot of non sinful things that can CONSUME out time. Have you signed up for too much?
Things aren't just about homework, they are about all the things you are supposed to be signed up in. Homework, sports, and the arts consume so much time. All of them can be great but life gets busy quick with all of those things.
Burn out is a real issue
What is the main issue and how do we fight it?
Where is your heart at? Are you doing things for the wrong reasons? Have you grown numb?
Burn out can feel similar to being busy yet procrastination also seems to play a role. When you fall into a bad rut, things keep coming and building themselves up! A little email, a little conflict that gets put off can really grow and hamper your progress.
So what is the difference between burn out and business?
We think burn out shows up in showing a lack of passion for your calling. Business is doing something for your vision and mission. When you enter burnout you start doing things that you are not called to do. Every job has things you don't want to do, but when you are just busy, you are doing things that you know will lead to a result. When you are burning out, you are so far gone you are just spinning your wheels in the mud. Burn out shows up in control and lack of motivation and procrastination.
How much is too much, yes, we all have cheat days or Mondays. It is hard to tell what is what for each person as it will work itself out different in each person. You know your rhythms. How long have you been out of them? Do you like your job? Do you love your job? Are you doing things that aren't a part of your job?
Remember the mission. You are called for a purpose, as a person, as a parent, as a volunteer, and as a youth pastor. Put stuff on the chopping block. If you aren't into it, STOP IT. STOP DOING IT.
Are you doing the things that you are doing in a manner that shows your trust in God?
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