
Showing posts from November, 2018

What does the future of Youth Ministry look like?

Listen to "Future of Youth Ministry" on Spreaker. What next?! We hate to sound like Captain Obvious, but times are changing! Even in the 14 years Matthew has been in ministry kids have changed.  In this episode we dive into some of the hot button issues that seem to be happening and make some guesses as to what is going to be an increasing issue in the next couple years and ponder what could come next.  The main thing though, no matter what comes, is that the Gospel doesn't change and seems to handle every situation we could think of so well. God is good. 

Gospel Centered Teaching

Listen to "Gospel centered Teaching" on Spreaker. Hey all, we are trying to catch up on the older podcasts. As of now, we haven't gotten to this one. Please check it out and we will try to fill in resources with time. Much Grace,  Matthew and Syler

This is what we mean when we say the word "Gospel"

Listen to "What we mean when we say Gospel..." on Spreaker. The Gospel is a pretty hip and cool term these days. Sometimes we hear it so often and even use it so often that we forget what it really means. We want everyone of our shows to be about the Gospel or the hope that we have because of the Gospel.  This is why we made this episode. We aren't afraid of using the word "Gospel." We hope you hear it on this podcast a lot but in that we hope you know what we mean when we say the word "Gospel." The Gospel is culminated in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In his resurrection he defeated the greatest effect of sin, death and in resurrecting he showed his supremacy over all things.  To get to the resurrection though one might ask the question, why did he die? If he died, how was he killed? The story really begins in Genesis 1 with God's supremacy over everything and his intimate creation of everything. Light, sun and stars, animals ...

Training and Education in Youth Ministry Roles

Listen to "Training and Education in Youth Ministry Roles" on Spreaker. What is necessary for leading a youth ministry?  That's a big question and there are people passionate on all sides. For us, we don't think a college degree or seminary is necessary for leading and teaching a youth ministry. What is key though is a calling. A calling is a whole other topic. Is ministry a job to you or is it a calling? Is there an inner passion driving you to prepare yourself to teach or are you just getting stuff together for your ministry meeting? A calling is necessary and will most likely drive you toward learning whether it is in the Word on your own or working through a degree of some form with a school.  Obviously, there is NOTHING wrong with having a degree and we can only see pluses with having a degree.  School trains us to study and helps us shape our thoughts into different forms of presentations. Without it, it is more work. Sometime school pushes yo...

Great Volunteers

Listen to "Great Volunteers" on Spreaker.  FYI: The audio gets better in a couple weeks!  As leaders of youth ministries and parents of students in youth ministry we are grateful for volunteers! What would we do without an army who buy into the vision and the mission of our ministry? Many times we settle for warm bodies in the room, and sometimes we have to but what really makes a great leader? IN this episode we wrestle with this idea. Syler mentions the shift from calling the folks who help us volunteers to calling them leaders to help with buy in. They are PART OF THE TEAM! If you are part of the church, are you part of the team? Do you have what it takes?  1. The Gospel- you love the Gospel... you will lead out of an overflow of your pursuit of Jesus Christ 2. You love the Church- You are a member who loves the direction of the church and submit to the eldership of the church 3. You show up on time- Yes, sometimes flat tires happen and the cold and flu show...

Host Matthew shares how Jesus saved him.

Listen to "Host Matthew's Story" on Spreaker. Week number 2. God moves in mysterious ways is a common thought that runs through Biblically minded people because His ways are not often our ways. While we see only a few feet ahead (if that!) God sees everything within the scope of eternity at once.  Often times many of us don't think the story of our salvation is that exciting or awesome because we weren't saved out of alcoholism or drugs.... insert your big sin here. However religious zealots, though seeming to be so moral stand in a devastating place before the Lord. Check out Matthew's story to hear about the salvation of a religious zealot. 

This is the beginning! Host Syler Feldman shares how Jesus saved him.

Listen to "Host Syler's Story" on Spreaker. And so we begin. This concept has been in my(Matthew) mind for some time. Syler had been doing some Facebook live stuff and seemed to hit it off with folks well and that really caused me to look into the idea of podcasting more. For us, it is a wrestling with what we know. It isn't that we know a lot but God has walked us through some unusual things and while we have grown a TON walking through some of that, we wonder how the sanctification can go further in the sharing of it with others. That is our attempt. We look forward to sharing our stories with you all in the first couple of episodes. It's hard to start relationships when coffee, a table and chairs aren't involved... or any other food for that matter but this is our attempt to start a relationship. Ministry is hard and our guess is it will only become harder. Let's do it together.