Training and Education in Youth Ministry Roles

What is necessary for leading a youth ministry? 

That's a big question and there are people passionate on all sides. For us, we don't think a college degree or seminary is necessary for leading and teaching a youth ministry.

What is key though is a calling. A calling is a whole other topic. Is ministry a job to you or is it a calling? Is there an inner passion driving you to prepare yourself to teach or are you just getting stuff together for your ministry meeting? A calling is necessary and will most likely drive you toward learning whether it is in the Word on your own or working through a degree of some form with a school. 

Obviously, there is NOTHING wrong with having a degree and we can only see pluses with having a degree. 

School trains us to study and helps us shape our thoughts into different forms of presentations. Without it, it is more work. Sometime school pushes you to read a book that you may not break out on any normal weekend. That book then becomes a resource you can go back to in the heat of ministry. 

Education can also go to your head. We want hearts overflowing with knowledge of God not overflowing with only facts about God. Check it out! 


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