This is the beginning! Host Syler Feldman shares how Jesus saved him.

And so we begin.

This concept has been in my(Matthew) mind for some time. Syler had been doing some Facebook live stuff and seemed to hit it off with folks well and that really caused me to look into the idea of podcasting more.

For us, it is a wrestling with what we know. It isn't that we know a lot but God has walked us through some unusual things and while we have grown a TON walking through some of that, we wonder how the sanctification can go further in the sharing of it with others.

That is our attempt.

We look forward to sharing our stories with you all in the first couple of episodes. It's hard to start relationships when coffee, a table and chairs aren't involved... or any other food for that matter but this is our attempt to start a relationship.

Ministry is hard and our guess is it will only become harder. Let's do it together.


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