Winter Blues

Listen to "Winter Blues" on Spreaker.

 Depending on which article you read you will quickly learn that millions of Americans struggle with the winter blues. Have you thought about how you are impacted by the weather?

While it doesn't seem super spiritual, we are humans who have bodies and many of us like to see the sun more often then not. Even as a self-described "homebody" Syler gets hit with the sluggish feelings that seem to come with weeks of cold weather.

Matthew claims it. He's not officially diagnosed with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but having kept track of the last several years it is clear that from the end of January through March gets a little bleak.

While we aren't medical professionals we discuss the winter blues in ministry and life in this podcast.  When you work in student ministries you are inevitably going to hear other people struggle throughout the winter. It is important as you listen to people and help them, make sure you keep an eye out for your own health. You are not Jesus and cannot perfectly handle everything.

Here are some responses that have helped us.

On the Spiritual end:

Stay in the Word. Our source of hope comes from Jesus no matter what time of year and no matter what the situation. Jesus wrote us a book (OK, the Holy Spirit wrote us the book through men).

Focus on the Words. Set your mind on things that are above, where Christ is. Not only read (don't just create and assignment) but meditate on the truths within the Word.

Worship: Fight to make it to worship. Surround yourself with brothers and sisters in Christ and sing praises to the Lord and hear the Word of the Lord preached.

On the physical end:

Push yourself to hang out with friends. We are relational beings. While we focused on the SPiritual end of keeping in touch with God on the practical end hang out with believers who will help you focus on God. Yeah, you may not want to but give it ten minutes with a great friend and see where you are at.

Talk about it. Feeling down whether it is winter blues or anything we have the ability as believers of being fully transparent because our identity is found in Christ. Be transparent with someone about being down. They may be able to speak some encouragement into your life in the moment and they can also keep a helpful eye out for you.

Get some Exercise. Go get your heart rate up! You don't need to become a professional athlete but get out of your office and do something different. This may take the purchase of some equipment or warmer clothes but mentally and physically it can be so refreshing to get out and get some air. Your body was created to move so push yourself to move. In Matthew's personal experience, while being in full-time ministry, full-time college, father and husband it seemed that taking any time to exercise seemed shallow and like a waste of quality time. However, daily riding bicycle for an hour had a tremendously positive impact on mental efficiency as well as mood. It proved to be well worth it!

 Here are some helpful articles (We don't necessarily endorse the sites the articles come from but the information contained within each article can be helpful).

More Than Just the Winter Blues?

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)- Mayo Clinic
Matthew quoted the definition of SAD from this website.

8 Lessons Learned from a Long Battle with Spiritual Depression- Gospel Coalition

How to Fight for Faith in the Dark- Desiring God

Thank you all for listening to the Potter's Clay Podcast. We hope you found it encouraging and helpful.


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