Summer Planning

Listen to "Summer Planning" on Spreaker.

Just a note about the blog. It doesn't always keep up with the podcast... sometimes weeks get so crazy it is just hard to pull it all off. Keep checking and at some point it will get caught up. We promise.

Summer is coming! What do you have in the books for Summer 2019? Camps? Trips?

For us everything slows down a lot. It is our time to let the kids go and live out what we have  taught over the last winter and it is also a time to begin teaching prep for the next season.
Matthew's crew did a soft start last August and started "for real" in September. That was a really bad idea. It was a communication nightmare and pushing a double kick-off was kinda weird. Don't do it, start ONCE!

If you have a solid conference/denominational camp, do you use it? It can be a great resource for you. Take advantage of the "easy" things set up for you. While there, you can take the time to connect with other youth pastors and leaders. This year Veritas is doing a camp for our first time. We have booked a camp for our group and will be joining another church from the Salt Network to join us. This will be new for us and we are looking forward to bringing in a speaker and a band and see what God does with this.

Vision for discipleship in the Summer.
While we aren't meeting regularly meeting in the Summer, how are we connecting with our students in the 3 month gaps?
Syler has been encouraging his connection group leaders to keep doing one-on-ones and getting together for small group events. Then a youth group wide "lake day" at a local lake and lastly a bonfire to kick the year off.
Matthew's crew does the same thing. We will be having our camp in June and then taking the Summer mostly off. There will be a worship night in July. In mid-August we open up for an evening to invite the new 6th graders to come check out the building and hear about where they will need to be and when. The next week is a HUGE kick-off with a BBQ and jumping castles and all kinds of good times. We break off from the parking lot and meet with the kids and with the parents.

Syler has a Sunday morning inter-generational class while Matthew's crew shuts down our leadership class to encourage them to serve all Summer long.

Overall our thoughts on Summer? Take a break.
Don't be afraid to rest.
Don't be afraid to let your leaders rest.
Obviously we don't want to lose contact with the students but taking a few weeks off hopefully will make the next several meetings more excellent.


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